Our maps are based on OpenStreetMap data, which is a community-driven source of high-quality, up-to-date mapping information. We provide it under the same licence OpenStreetMap uses, which is the Open Data Commons Open Database License
Please consult https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright
Yes, absolutely. Once you purchased the maps you can build a commercial service on top of them, offer them as an in-app-purchase to your customers, use them in your own tile server, use them offline, modify or transform them.
Please consult the Open Data Commons Open Database License and https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright
You need to visibly attribute OpenStreetMap and OpenMapTiles as our maps are based on them and Tilea.io.
For example: © Tilea.io © OpenMapTiles © OpenStreetMap contributors
The coverage of the maps will depend on the specific map that you purchase, but we aim to provide maps that cover the entire world, including both urban and rural areas.
Please check our store to see the exact regions available.
Yes, we offer 476 region extracts, ranging from a couple of MBs to tens of GBs in size.
Please note that the smallest map region that we offer for purchase is a continent, but by purchasing a continent you also get access to all the smaller regions under it. Similarly, by purchasing the map of the planet you also get access to all the continents and all the smaller regions as a separate download option, too.
Please check our store to see the exact regions available.
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We currently update our maps monthly. Please let us know at [email protected] if you require more frequently updated maps.
The maps that we offer are not just a simple extraction of OpenStreetMap data, but they are carefully processed and converted into a vector format to provide a better user experience in terms of performance and offline accessibility. Our maps are in MBTiles format, which is a highly efficient format for storing and serving map tiles, allowing for fast and smooth map rendering.
We charge money because converting the maps into a vector format costs us money too as the process requires using powerful computers and is time-consuming.
By offering paid maps, we provide our customers with a more convenient and practical solution for using OpenStreetMap data in their projects, without having to worry about the technical details of processing the data themselves.
Yes, you can convert OpenStreetMap data to a vector format yourself for free, there are various open-source tools and libraries that you can use for this purpose.
However, converting OpenStreetMap data to a vector format is time-consuming and can be a technically challenging task, especially if you're not familiar with geospatial data processing. By purchasing our maps, you can save yourself the time and effort of converting the data yourself and benefit from maps that are optimized for performance and offline use.
At Tilea.io, we specialize in providing high-quality maps that you can self-host. This gives you the flexibility to customize your maps to your exact specifications and save money in the process, as you won't need to pay for a hosted service.
Furthermore, with our affordable pricing you can get high-quality maps at a price that won't strain your budget.
Yes, please check our free downloads section. The free maps we provide allow you to see the quality and coverage of our maps, and to get a sense of how they might work in your own applications or projects.
Our free vector maps are available under the same Open Data Commons Open Database License as our paid ones, if you do not need the most up-to-date maps you are welcome to download and use them forever.
We accept a variety of payment methods, including major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, and JCB payments from customers worldwide), PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay and bank transfers.
For subscriptions we only support credit cards, Apple Pay, and Google Pay currently.